

News from Galschiøt

Here you will find the latest news from Jens Galschiøt.

At the top of the page there is a brief overview of the latest news, and further down you can see a summary of news over time.

Older News

Here you will be able to get an overview of Galschiøt news over time

Jens Galschøit's projects are mostly in motion, both inside and outside Denmark. We regularly send out newsletters that you can find here, where you can keep up to date with the activities happening in Galschiøt's regi. If you want to go back in time and get an overview of what is happening or has happened over time, use the list below, or visit our old website at


- Chinese artist and system critic Badiucao together with artist Jens Galschiøt - 2020, May

- Solar cells at Gallery Galschiøt  (crowdfunding project focused on making Gallery Galschiøt CO2 nerutral) - 2020, February

- A rose, to an imprisoned woman (Yasaman) - 2020, February

- Pillar of shame exhibitioned in front of the Danish Parliament - 2020, February